6/21/2021 UPDATE: The deadline has been extended to Friday, July 2, 2021. We understand that transportation restrictions relating to COVID-19 may be a concern for some applicants, please don’t let that keep you from applying to this opportunity to get valuable presentation experience. The Oscar Miller Day planning committee is exploring virtual possibilities should the need arise. We wish the best of luck to all applicants.
With a $1,000 prize hanging in the balance, residents won’t want to miss this research opportunity.
The Basil M. Boyd Resident Research Award, worth $1,000, is awarded to an orthopedic resident at Oscar Miller Day every year.
Oscar Miller Day is an annual one-day continuing medical education event in Charlotte, NC hosted by OrthoCarolina Research Institute and the physicians of the OrthoCarolina Pediatric Orthopedic Center. Key thought leaders share their knowledge with orthopedic providers and allied health professionals from the southeastern United States. The symposium rotates the sub-specialty topic each year to include an in-depth review, as well as a look at latest research and advancements in all sub-specialties within the field of orthopedics.
During this year’s Oscar Miller Day Symposium, “Elbows and Knees and Hips, Oh My! Can’t Miss Orthopedic Injuries in Children and Adolescents”, selected residents will have the opportunity to present their research. Oscar Miller Day guest faculty speakers will then choose the best presentation to win the Basil M. Boyd Resident Research Award.
RELATED ARTICLE: Tickets on sale now for the 40th Annual Oscar Miller Day Symposium.
Residents with a basic science or clinical research project involving surgical techniques, complications, outcomes, and/or management related to pediatric or adolescent orthopedic conditions are eligible to submit their abstract for presentation at Oscar Miller Day.
The deadline for abstract consideration is June 15, 2021. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent to the author in August 2021.
Abstract guidelines:
Confirmation of acceptance will be sent to the author in August 2021. The residents who have been selected to present their abstract, and their program chair/residency coordinator, will be invited to attend events on both Thursday, October 28 and Friday, October 29.