Nady Hamid, MD leads project that includes multiple orthopedic specialties // Study supported by N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein...
OCRI is honored to have been selected to share research results at the annual meeting for the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS). This year's meeting will be held Marc...
The most recent issue of tag mens time “Orthopedics Today” will feature OCRI’s own Senior Research Scientist, Dr. Susan Odum. The article is a recap of Dr. Od...
OCRI is proud to announce that a recent research project, Opioid-Free Shoulder Arthroplasty, won Best in Session during the annual meeting of the North Carolina Orthopedic Associa...
The North Carolina Spine Society will be holding their annual meeting this weekend here in Charlotte. The goals of their meeting are to “educate and facilitate discussion o...