Picking a college major and potential career path can be a daunting process for high school students. If a future career in physical therapy, athletic training, or orthopedics interests a student you know, we have just the program for them!
Registration is now open to high school students interested in exploring a career in medicine.
OrthoCarolina and OrthoCarolina Research Institute (OCRI) host an Explorers program every year for high schoolers. Exploring is a co-ed program run by the Boy Scouts of America that is designed to help students in grades 9-12 explore their career interests. Through the program, students will have an opportunity to meet, talk, and work with physical therapists, athletic trainers, orthopedic surgeons, physician assistants, and research staff via Zoom meetings.
An informational session will be held on Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. to answer any questions parents or students have about the program.
***Registration is now closed for the informational session. If still interested in joining the 2020-2021 Explorers program, please email ocresearch@orthocarolina.com for more information.
This program is for any high school student who wants to learn more about the fields of sports medicine, orthopedics, athletic training and/or physical therapy.
This program has been held in person at an OrthoCarolina clinic in the past and seats have been limited due to space restrictions. This year, we are excited to be able to have significantly more room for attendees as we move the program to Zoom.
After September 10, OrthoCarolina/OCRI Exploring Post meets once a month (2nd Thursday in most cases) during the school year from 6:30-7:30pm.
Zoom! We’re taking the program virtual this year, so you can enjoy this same program from the comfort of your own home.
The meeting format will be an hour long interactive presentation by an OrthoCarolina medical provider.
If you decide to join the OrthoCarolina/OC Exploring post, the annual enrollment fee for Exploring is $60. You will receive a link to register for the program after September 10.
If you have general questions about Exploring at OCRI, please email ocresearch@orthocarolina.com. And if you are interested in learning about other posts in the area, please contact Monica Zeleznik, Exploring Executive for the Mecklenburg County Council, BSA.