Operating rooms produce between 20% and 70% of total hospital waste. Hand surgery, with short, high-volume cases, is a notable contributor to this environmental and subsequent fi...
The value of precise anatomic restoration for distal radius fractures (DRFs) in older adults has been debated for many decades, with conflicting results in the literature...
Incomplete hook of the hamate fractures are difficult to diagnose and should be promptly removed to expedite return to sport....
Targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) is a surgical technique that improves modern myoelectric prosthesis functionality and plays an important role in the prevention and treatme...
Spasticity is a movement disorder characterized by a velocity-dependent increase in muscle tone and a hyperexcitable stretch reflex. ...
This study supports that nitinol staples do not have to be placed bicortically to achieve adequate compression; placing staples 2 mm short of the far cortex has the same compr...
Distal biceps repair is associated with a 7.5% major complication rate and 4.5% reoperation rate. The use of a 2-incision technique for repair increases the risk of radioulnar ...
Although approximately 65% to 75% of individuals with tetraplegia would benefit from upper extremity surgery that could make many of their activities of daily living more spont...
Advances in motor vehicle safety, trauma care, combat body armor, and cancer treatment have enhanced the life expectancy and functional expectations of patients with upper-extremit...
Control of independent digital flexion and extension has remained an elusive goal in myoelectric prosthetics for upper extremity amputees. ...
Knee arthroscopy simulation training did not objectively improve wrist arthroscopy proficiency among residents. A wrist-specific arthroscopy simulation program is needed...
Authors: Le M, Lourie GM, Gaston G...
The Efficacy and Safety of Concurrent Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Injections for 2 Dupuytren Contractures in the Same Hand: a Prospective, Multicenter Study...
Management of complications of wrist fractures...
Limited glenohumeral cross-body adduction in children with brachial plexus birth palsy: a contributor to scapular winging...
Sports-specific injuries of the hand and wrist...
Reattachment of Flexor Digitorum Profundus Avulsion: Biomechanical Performance of 3 Techniques...
A Prospective Multicenter Registry of Peripheral Nerve Injures Associated With Upper and Lower Extremity Orthopedic Trauma...
Diagnostic accuracy of noncontrast MRI for detection of glenohumeral cartilage lesions: a prospective comparison to arthroscopy...
Limited Glenohumeral Cross-body Adduction in Children With Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy: A Contributor to Scapular Winging...
Timothy Syndrome: A Life-Saving Syndactyly Release...
Predictors of functional outcomes after simple decompression for ulnar neuropathy at the elbow: a multicenter study by the SUN study group....
Arthroscopic wafer procedure for ulnar impaction syndrome...
Forearm instability...
Fractures of the lesser sesamoids: case series...
Continued Growth After Limited Physeal Bridging...
Reflections 1 Year Into the 21-Center National Institutes of Health-Funded WRIST Study: A Primer on Conducting a Multicenter Clinical Trial...
Trend of Recovery after Simple Decompression for Treatment of Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow...
The Minimal Clinically Important Difference After Simple Decompression for Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow...
An Outcome Study for Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow: A Multicenter Study by the SUN Study Group ...
The use of temporary screw augmentation for the treatment of scapholunate injuries....
Phalangeal fractures: displaced/nondisplaced...
Football commentary: phalangeal fractures-displaced/nondisplaced...
Postoperative infections: prevention and management...
e-Prescribe meaningful use requirement...
Remodeling potential of phalangeal distal condylar malunions in children...
A Novel Technique for the Treatment of Recurrent Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Ulnar nerve wrapping with a tissue enginnered bioscaffold...